High school


Fine arts high school

Scientific high school

Applied sciences high school

Grammar high school

Students can choose our educational proposal…in the light of this we do our best.

After we’ve grown students up and guided them, after we’ve seen them run and grow, students are almost adults. They can choose and they are able to do it for their own best. They can drive, they can vote. Students are citizens at this stage. Mon and dad can give some advice, but now they are the protagonists of their life. Our children, our students, finally get the right to express their selves, they are entitled to leave their own mark.

So, we are ready, dear student, to convince you that the best choice that you can make for your life is one of our high schools. If you have attended another high school, you know how it works. Otherwise – if it is your first high school experience – you are welcome! here You can find a great teaching’s preparation and adults happy to grow with you.

Our goals

To increase in students sensitiveness towards life, nurturing freedom, respect and talents. We can manage all this with pens, paper, tablets and spending a lot of time with students.

Our five year school is a place where students’ curiosity towards the world and the value of their own existence can grow.

Students can learn from their experiences, from the sense of beauty and from common good, increasing their critical approach and thoughts. In order to achieve this high grade of growth several factors are involved. First of all the students’ logical understanding and thinking to get a new and highly effective methodology of learning; but also the ability to use the different languages of all subjects together with their innovative and creative attitudes.

Our methodlogy

At Manfredini high school we give put all the necessary attention to students’ needs

  • We pay Attention to students in every single educational action. This means that we care for the emotional and cultural expectations of each student, since we are made of head and heart. This seems particularly true in this period of students’ life.
  • We pay Attention to students’ need of relationships, enhancing students’ personalities and attitudes, since we are all equal and different at the same time.
  • We pay Attention to the respect of few, essential rules, perceived as basically important to regulate relations and conducts.

  • We pay Attention to others, and help our students to adhere to their personal responsibilities as best as they can. Considering others not as a shortcut for our goals, but as part of the same civil society.
  • We pay Attention to freedom, perceived as a conquest, and a constant seek for good, but we also pay attention to reason in order to develop a steady connection to reality.
  • Finally, we support students to critically approach their own lives in order to support them to make the difference continuously.

These are the aspects we pay attention to so that students may become citizens aware, ready to critically and arguably interpret the reality around of them.

I nostri incontri sono tutti un progetto… di formazione.


Crescono gli alunni e le alunne, crescono anche le tipologie di progetti in cui vengono coinvolti. Tutto si fa più comunitario, le esperienze si arricchiscono di divertimento, di viaggi, di opportunità di conoscere il mondo. Quello che viene proposto durante il quinquennio dei licei è fatto per far sperimentare loro la libertà e la conoscenza degli altri e del mondo. Abbiamo grandi progetti per grandi sognatori.

ATTENZIONE ATTENZIONE! Questa è la zona avvisi!


Moduli, scartoffie, avvisi e “Udite udite!” di vario genere sono tutti qui. Qualunque appuntamento riguardi la scuola o meriti di avere la vostra attenzione è postato qui. La nostra bacheca virtuale è ricca di appuntamenti interessanti.



Sapete come funzione coi prof, no? Ciascuno di loro vanta almeno una caricatura impietosa delle sopracciglia, dei modi di dire, dei tic. Li chiamate così in casa, affibbiando loro soprannomi o descrizioni curiose. Eppure ve li ricorderete tra qualche anno, perché quelli più osservati sono anche quelli più amati. Noi qui usiamo i loro veri nomi. Voi tanto li riconoscerete.

Tour virtuale


Se volete fare un giro per il nostro istituto e sbirciare nelle aule, accomodatevi. Siamo felici di darvi il benvenuto nel nostro tour virtuale negli spazi della scuola.