Secondary school

di I grado Mons. E. Manfredini

Growth is a journey. Let’s give We give children maps and routes.


Students should start to find their own way, focusing on what they really are and what they wish for. The first degree of the secondary school is a crucial three year period because then we will see emerge in them their future calling/vocation. We offer them maps and routes in order to succeed and discover their happiest place in accordance to their own abilities. Every year there is a way to go, with a motto for adventurers:

  • First classes: “When you are amazed, you know”. The observation and the knowledge of what is beautiful to the eyes make people fully aware.
  • Second classes: “The true discovery travel gives you the chance to change your eyes”. Our little boys and sailors compete with the profundity of life, facing the seas and the storms of teenage time, in confrontation with their parent. They learn what it means to set off and discover the world.
  • Third classes: “Moved by desire, we tend to embrace the universe” – Students are ready to measure with their own sense of responsibility and try to make the dive into the second degree of the secondary school. It is their turn to find and to build their own happy place.

Educational proposal

Our goals

We offer an experiential model learning that helps students to learn from the world. From questions to others, we drive them to make questions to themselves. Students are looking for their place. We offer the map to discover it.

We educate students to the positive approach towards life supporting their desire to contribute in building a civil society more ethical and human. We teach them to help each other in order to face life together.

We offer an experiential model learning that helps students to learn from the world. From questions to others, we drive them to make questions to themselves. Students are looking for their place. We offer the map to discover it.

Our methodology

Our aim is to improve students’ skills but we take them the way they are, we do not want to modify our students. We try to support them to stand out from the crowd with their own attitudes and we do our best to make them grow as people fully aware of their abilities and their future. In this first degree of three years at school the relationships between teachers and students are hugely important to learn from each other.

Progetti: un assaggio per far venire loro fame di sapere.


La scuola secondaria di primo grado offre davvero una quantità incredibile di opportunità. Del resto è qui che i giovani cominciano ad “assaggiare” ciò che faranno dopo. A spizzichi e bocconi provano, si interessano, testano gli ingredienti di quella che sarà la loro futura preparazione. Per chi ha fame di conoscenza offriamo un menù variegato di progetti che permettono ai nostri studenti di capire per cosa sono portati.

ATTENZIONE ATTENZIONE! Questa è la zona avvisi!


Moduli, scartoffie, avvisi e “Udite udite!” di vario genere sono tutti qui. Qualunque appuntamento riguardi la scuola o meriti di avere la vostra attenzione è postato qui. La nostra bacheca virtuale è ricca di appuntamenti interessanti.



I vostri figli li chiamano tutti per cognome, voi li avrete più o meno presenti perché ormai in tre anni di attività ci si conosce e ci si riconosce. Dietro la cattedra o davanti a un caffè, qui è il posto dove trovate orari di ricevimento per poter parlare con loro del rendimento dei vostri figli.

Venghino signori venghino.


Se volete fare un giro per il nostro istituto e sbirciare nelle aule, accomodatevi. Siamo felici di darvi il benvenuto nel nostro tour virtuale negli spazi della scuola.